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- The Rebels of Google | The Red Moon Journal on Evolutionary Sex Differences and the Left’s Fake Science
- A Liberal Coup Is In Progress | The Red Moon Journal on Trumpland and the Clinton Archipelago
- The Left’s Lies and “Fake News” | The Red Moon Journal on Fake News
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- Bilderberg and GOP attempts to redistrict Ron Paul out of Office – Infowars | askmarion on GOP Eliminating Tea Party Seats Through Redistricting
The Red Moon Journal
- Candace Owens on the Trump Assassination Attempt July 15, 2024 RedMoonJournal
- The Deep State Loses Again July 14, 2024 RedMoonJournal
- Targeting The Narrative March 11, 2023 RedMoonJournal
- Fake News vs Conspiracy Theorists February 7, 2023 RedMoonJournal
- Depopulation January 29, 2023 RedMoonJournal
- Dr. Steven Turley on the FTX Scandal November 15, 2022 RedMoonJournal
- Comment From Sam J. 2022.11.09 November 15, 2022 RedMoonJournal
- Now We Can be Certain November 9, 2022 RedMoonJournal
- The Democrats Need Censorship November 1, 2022 RedMoonJournal
- Joe Rogan Discusses George Soros October 31, 2022 RedMoonJournal
Dutch Farmer Uprising
Posted in Activism, Corruption, Environmentalist Radicals, Government Tyranny, The Culture War, The Deep State, The Ruling Class
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I Feel Massively Sorry for the Lower Classes Right Now
Posted in Communism, Corruption, Democrats, Economics, Government Tyranny, Marxism, The Ruling Class
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Marjorie Taylor Greene on Tim Pool
I meant to get to this even though it’s a bit overdue and so here it is. The propaganda organs of the legacy media will tell you to pay no attention to Marjorie Taylor Greene and if you are not brainwashed you know it’s because she is a thorn in their side and that’s a good thing. Here is the full interview from Tim Pool.
Posted in Activism, Communism, Corruption, Democrats, Government Tyranny, Republicans, The Deep State, The Ruling Class
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2022.01.24 Interesting Comment
Here is an interesting comment (with some interesting links) from AC’s blog that I want to preserve for future reference.
The Lie that drove the Pandemic was planned – see Rockefeller Foundation 2010 Lock Step
The Election of Trump interrupted Lock Step
In January 2017 Fauci states Trump Will Have a surprise outbreak in his first term –
In October 2017 John Hopkins holds a Spars Event seminar on how to handle the American public when they realize that they have been lied to about an experimental “vaccine” –
In October 2019 The Gates Foundation holds Event 201 Pandemic Exercise –
Early spring 2020 Fauci undermines the use of Hydroxychloroquine
April 2020 CDC changes the definition of COVID-19 death from “death from COVID-19” to “death with COVID-19”-
The vaccinated are the super spreaders – see the Oxford University study that indicates that the vaccinated have 251 Times More viruses than the Unvaccinated –
Ivermectin stopped India’s COVID-19 spike that occurred upon India’s mass “vaccination” campaign-
Still think the CDC, FDA, or Federal Government wants America taking the “vaccines” to protect us?
Still think this is about Health?
They are openly mocking you.
The FDA used to be fully taxpayer-funded, now almost 45% of their funding comes from “..user fees paid by manufacturers that are being regulated.”
Kinda like the CDC is the largest purchaser of vaccines;
“…The CDC is the largest single buyer and distributor of vaccines in the United States. DoD conducts its own research on vaccines and supports research at academic institutions, focusing primarily on vaccines for military and bioterrorism applications.”
… and NIH being “..responsible for identifying and supporting the development of potential vaccines.”
Feel sick yet?
Posted in Fake News, Government Tyranny, Technology, The Culture War, The Deep State, The Ruling Class
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Black Nationalist Darrell Brooks Kills Five
By now of course you probably know that Kyle Rittenhouse was cleared of every phony charge that the corrupt left-leaning prosecutors in Wisconsin brought against him. The Jury gave Antifa and BLM the big middle finger and let them know that the truth would not be swept under the rug. But do you know that a black nationalist ran over a bunch of people at a Christmas parade in Wisconsin? That event just happened but you probably won’t hear about it from The Elite Media Monoculture because it just doesn’t fit the narrative.
Posted in Activism, Black Societal Failure, Communism, Corruption, Democrats, Fake News, Marxism, New Media, Social Justice Warriors, The Angry Left, The Culture War, The Elite Media Monoculture
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The Spartacus Letter
My name is Spartacus, and I’ve had enough.
We have been forced to watch America and the Free World spin into inexorable decline due to a biowarfare attack. We, along with countless others, have been victimized and gaslit by propaganda and psychological warfare operations being conducted by an unelected, unaccountable Elite against the American people and our allies.
Our mental and physical health have suffered immensely over the course of the past year and a half. We have felt the sting of isolation, lockdown, masking, quarantines, and other completely nonsensical acts of healthcare theater that have done absolutely nothing to protect the health or wellbeing of the public from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Now, we are watching the medical establishment inject literal poison into millions of our fellow Americans without so much as a fight.
We have been told that we will be fired and denied our livelihoods if we refuse to vaccinate. This was the last straw.
We have spent thousands of hours analyzing leaked footage from Wuhan, scientific papers from primary sources, as well as the paper trails left by the medical establishment.
What we have discovered would shock anyone to their core.
Download and read the entire thing.
Posted in Activism, Corruption, Democrats, Education, Fake News, Government Tyranny, Marxism, New Media, Socialism, Technology, The Deep State, The Ruling Class
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Big Tech Sells Liberty Down the River
Posted in Communism, Corruption, Democrats, Fake News, Government Tyranny, Marxism, New Media, Technology, The Ruling Class, The Surveillance State
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Letters From a DC Jail
The people who were arrested by the government for exercising their 1st Amendment rights are being held in a DC prison and treated like political prisoners by our Marxist rulers. The world is not the way they have told you it is. Read the story at American Greatness.
Joe Biden’s Justice Department routinely requests—and partisan Beltway federal judges routinely approve—pre-trial detention for Americans arrested for their involvement in the January 6 protest. This includes everyone from an 18-year-old high school senior from Georgia to a 70-year-old Virginia farmer with no criminal record.
It is important to emphasize that the accused have languished for months in prison before their trials even have begun. Judges are keeping defendants behind bars largely based on clips selectively produced by the government from a trove of video footage under protective seal and unavailable to defense lawyers and the public—and for the thoughtcrime of doubting the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election.
The rule of law for anyone involved in the events of January 6 has been flipped on its head by the U.S. justice system; defendants are presumed guilty before proven innocent. The right to a speedy trial and the right to participate in one’s own defense is ignored, as are other constitutional protections.
Prosecutors insist the alleged crimes committed by Capitol protesters—unlike similar or more egregious crimes committed by leftist protesters last year—are exceptionally heinous because the acts resulted in an “attack on our democracy” and interrupted the official business of the U.S. Congress.
The Justice Department and federal judges also continue to lie in court about the number of fatalities from January 6 to make the event seem far worse than it actually was. A Senate report issued this week also repeated the falsehood that “seven individuals, including three law enforcement officers, lost their lives.”
Posted in Activism, Communism, Conservatism, Corruption, Democrats, Election, Fake News, Government Tyranny, Social Justice Warriors, The Angry Left, The Culture War, The Deep State, The Elite Media Monoculture, The Ruling Class
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Bargaining With a Chimp
Posted in Black Societal Failure, Corruption, Cuckservatives, Democrats, Education, Immigration, Republicans, Science, Social Justice Warriors, The Culture War
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Absolute Interference
More documentary evidence from Mike Lindell on the 2020 election fraud. Two films to watch are Absolute Interference and Scientific Proof. And you can find more info at Lindel TV.
UPDATE: (((YouTube))) keeps scrubbing this video from their site. I guess they really don’t want you to see it. I wonder what they might be trying to hide?
Posted in Activism, Conservatism, Corruption, Democrats, Election, Fake News, New Media, Socialism, Technology, The Culture War, The Deep State, The Elite Media Monoculture, The Ruling Class
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Lin Wood on Telegram
I’m not on Telegram, but Lin Wood is. Some advice and words of wisdom.
(1) If nefarious actors attempt to overthrow your country and its form of government, take your time and identify each and every one of them for prosecution. The crime of treason carries serious punishments, including death by firing squad. All traitors face that potential penalty regardless of rank or the level of office they hold. Get them all.
(2) if you correct the fraudulent election and identify all of those involved, are you done? Nah. You must fully drain the swamp or its creatures will plot another coup or election theft in 2 to 4 years. The CIA, like the Communists, has infiltrated all aspects of life inside our country. And that is just one of the “3-letter agencies” that make up the Deep State. It takes time to drain that deep swamp.
(3) After the Deep State, who must also be identified and prosecuted to avoid another attempt to overthrow our government? Brace yourselves for the answer. The Cabal. Yes, I said it. The Cabal of the super-rich and powerful. The globalists. The individuals and entities who own the world’s financial systems and control major companies that make up the world economy. May even include individuals in the House of Windsor and the Vatican. Rothschild’s? Rockefeller’s? Who knows? We need to know who these people are and then take the time to prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. I am willing to wait, are you? I want to see them ALL brought to justice. Don’t you?
(4) Now the ugliest part of the truth that must be faced and addressed. It relates to the Cabal and its desire to make even more money, satisfy its members perverted sexual desires, and execute their worship of Satan who gave them fortunes and power in exchange for sacrifices of young children
Child sex trafficking and pedophilia.
We must take the time necessary to locate and save these children. They are enslaved all over the world. They number in the millions. Many have suffered for years and will face lifetimes filled with pain and despair.
Wisdom counsels me to be patient. Justice is coming. Good will triumph over evil. In the battle between powers and principalities, remember God has already won. God is on our side.
We are talking about more than an election. We are talking about more than political parties.
We are talking about our humanity.
I pray that I am correct in my analysis of the perceived delay in “action” in reversing the fraudulent election.
I pray I am correct for the children’s sake.
Thanks for listening.
Posted in Activism, Corruption, Government Tyranny, New Media, The Culture War, The Deep State, The Ruling Class
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Andrew Torba of GAB on Populism’s Future
The problem with the American Populist movement is that it was centralized.
Centralized movements give the enemy a central attack vector to target and overcome. One man, who took on the weight of the world, became the sole focus of both the enemy and of the American Populist movement itself for over five years.
The oligarchs removed that one man from the entire internet, then they removed him from office. Everyone knows this, we all watched it happen. What no one has clearly defined is where American Populism goes from here.
The oligarchs believe that they have destroyed American Populism by rigging an election, removing the movement’s leader from public view, and by forcing everyone to stay locked inside for a year while the country burns down around us all.
They think they have won and want to define “New Normal” under their rule as they consolidate power. What they don’t realize is that they have recruited tens of millions of Americans to the side of reason, light, and Truth. Many millions of these people didn’t even vote for Donald Trump, but they recognize what is happening to our country and want to stop it.
Over the course of the past year, I’ve seen comments across the internet become increasingly “red-pilled” and aware of the Big Lies being pushed by the corporate media and frauds in government. It turns out that keeping people locked inside on the internet for an entire year ends up illuminating a lot of minds.
The People are learning what the real problem is: the globalist oligarchs. Not any one politician. Not this political party or that one. The entire system is corrupt. Banks, tech companies, media companies, schools, government, and on and on.
We must exit this broken and failing system and start building a new one immediately. We are not revolutionaries. We are not violent. We are reformers. We are builders. When we up and leave the existing system in favor of our own the existing system will crumble without us lifting a finger.
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
— Buckminster Fuller
The way around centralized problems in the movement is to decentralize American Populism at the local level. In order to take our country back and move forward with the American Populist movement, we must first take our local communities back. Here are several examples of this happening across the country:
Big Tech’s Unlikely Next Battleground: North Dakota
Montana Bill Would Designate Antifa as Domestic Terrorism
Florida restaurant goes viral for ‘face diapers not required’ mask policy
We must build our own economy. Here’s how.
Pull your positions out of their useless stock market and buy bitcoin, gold, silver, food stores, and ammo. Bitcoin is free speech money. Learn what it is and how to use it. Now.
National elections are a big distraction. Members of Congress are bought and sold like cattle by the oligarchs, foreign nations, and whoever has the money. Instead, center your focus on getting American Populists and Christian men and women elected mayor, to state legislatures, as judges, on school boards, etc.
Cut the cable cord. That includes both Fox and CNN. Do not watch it. Do something else with your time and money. Support alternative media outlets and individuals. Get that garbage Marxist indoctrination content machine out of your home and away from your family.
Exit the Big Tech mind prison. Join Gab.
If your church has gone “woke,” leave. We have room for only one Gospel in Christian churches and that’s the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not the imitation false gospel of “social justice.”
Leave Big Banks for local community banks.
Start supporting small local shops.
Create pro-family, pro-business, and pro-law and order policies for your local area. We can’t control DC, but we can control what happens in our backyards.
Pull your kids out of public schools where their minds are being molded at the altar of Marxism. Do everything and anything you can to homeschool or attend Christian private schools or online schooling programs.
Pay attention to the brands you buy and support. Check out their websites and marketing. If they are “woke,” stop giving them your money. Period.
We must also work to unite American Populists on the left and the right. What unites the left and right-wing populists, and Americans in general, is Jesus Christ.
The transhumanist nihilists and their technocracy are offering nothing of spiritual value. The Gospel Message of Jesus Christ, and that of American Populism, is one of redemption, hope, love, dominion, sovereignty, freedom, and forgiveness. None of these things are possible with critical theory or woke consumer crony capitalism paired with a corporate techno tyranny.
What are you waiting for?
Let’s get to work, we have a new economy to build.
Andrew Torba
Jesus is King
Posted in Activism, Communism, Conservatism, Corruption, Cuckservatives, Democrats, Education, Election, Fake News, Government Tyranny, New Media, The Culture War, The Deep State, The Ruling Class
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