The White House and the Syrian Chemical Attack

Here is an article from Yossef Bodansky that was the subject of a discussion on Rush’s show yesterday. In this article at, Mr. Bodansky argues that the Jihadists in Syria could well have been the ones who actually perpetrated the chemical attack in order to draw in western military power for the purpose of helping them to defeat Assad. The fact of the matter is that the Jihadists are not strong enough by themselves to push Assad from power, and they have not been winning against Assad. But if America comes in, we will greatly magnify their ability to bring force against the Assad regime.

Obama does not seem inclined to help real freedom break out in the Middle East. Instead, he seems interested in helping the Muslim Brotherhood and various Islamic radicals whenever he can do so. He did it in Libya, he did it in Egypt and now he seems determined to do so again in Syria.

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