The IRS Seizes Your Medical Records

Forbes reports in this story the continuing out of control agency that apparently knows no constitutional restraints. In this article we learn that the IRS simply grabbed some 60 million medical records of Americans without warrants or any other official authorization. Medical records are, of course, supposed to be private. For a government agency to look at them requires what used to be called due process. But in our modern day and age, I guess we don’t need to bother with all of that fussy paperwork.

The Internal Revenue Service is facing a class action lawsuit alleging that more than 60 million personal medical records were improperly seized by agents from the embattled agency.

According to a story by, an unnamed healthcare provider in California is suing the IRS and 15 unnamed agents, alleging that they improperly seized some 60 million medical records of 10 million Americans, including medical records of all California state judges on March 11, 2011.

According to the complaint, the IRS agents had a search warrant for financial data pertaining to a former employee of the “John Doe Company,” however, “it did not authorize any seizure of any healthcare or medical record of any persons, least of all third parties completely unrelated to the matter.”

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