Here is a very revealing excerpt from a Democrat video in which the compulsion to confess is at work. Note the statement that “the government is the only thing that we all belong to” in the video. This is what the left believes about society; that the individual is, and should be, subordinate to the all-powerful state. In the mind of Democrats and the left, it is the State which matters and not the individual.
Our founders created a country in which the individual would be the sovereign, not government or kings or dictators. In our system, as it was originally intended, the government was granted limited authority based on the consent of the governed. (That would be us, the citizens) That authority is on loan for the purpose of protecting our individual rights and freedoms, and for no other purpose. We, the people, are the real rulers in our country. And thus the government belongs to us, not the other way around.
But this is not what Democrats believe or want. They would make us just like every other nation where the government is all-powerful and the citizen has no rights and no say in how things are done. If you vote for the Democrats in the fall, you are voting for this way of thinking and the statism that it represents. The Left wants to take as much of your freedom from you as they can, and your vote is the only thing standing in their way.