ObamaCare Upheld

While I am disappointed with the court’s ruling, I see no reason to lay down and give up. On the contrary, this should give conservatives even more reason to see The Obama Fuhrer kicked out of office in November. We should not forget that this law is deeply unpopular with the American public regardless of this decision. And it looks like Ronmey has already come out with a short speech underlining his desire to overturn the legislation at the first opportunity. I do not doubt that he really means it. Romney is no fool, and I think that his campaign has shown that he is indeed paying close attention to what conservatives are saying and thinking.

A few other points, from the folks at The National Review, could also be made:

Carrie Severino:

Today’s holding is problematic for many reasons.  First, it is a novel holding that threatens to expand the taxing power extensively. It removes the taxing power from the representative branches and places it in the only non-accountable branch, the judiciary.  Defenders of the law — from President Obama to Nancy Pelosi to Harry Reid — all insisted that the law they voted for was not a tax.  Now, when it is off their desk, the court has retroactively declared it a tax, circumventing the public accountability intended by the Founders and recognized by constitutional law as the major check on the taxing power.

This changes the lay of the land for the July 9 repeal vote that is now scheduled in the House. In order to vote in favor of the law, Democrats will now have to vote in favor of a tax.  It will be interesting to see how they spin this development.
The good news is that there were a clear five votes for a limited view of the Commerce Clause power: Chief Justice Roberts plus the conservatives writing in dissent — including Justice Kennedy, who read from the bench. Constitutional defenders can be relieved in that silver lining.

In the end, it is up to us to save this country. That means that November is more important than ever. Make sure you are registered. Make sure that your friends and family who are also conservative are registered. The time to donate, if you have money to do so, is now. I will be looking at writing some checks this weekend and sending them out to support the cause, starting with Romney and the Tea Party groups I support.

The left only wins if you give up and go home.

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