Throwing People Under the Bus to Stop a Runaway Vehicle

Paul Gottfried, of Taki’s Magazine, has a thing or two to say about how political correctness is affecting freedom of thought and speech, even among conservatives who ought to know better. Giving in to The New Thought Police is never a good idea or a winning strategy.

The left trots out the same victim narratives to shut us up about gender differences, our preference for heterosexual over homosexual family organization, or whatever else they deem unmentionable at a given moment. My friend, distinguished classicist Chris Kopff, says that at the university where he works it’s Christianity—not racism—that gets singled out as the villain. Anyone linked to Christian belief has to answer for the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Holocaust, and many other iniquities that are traced back to Christianity’s inherent intolerance.

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