Trayvon Martin and the Absence of Self Responsibility

Kevin McCullough at Townhall brings us this article in which he sweeps away the fake narrative of The Elite Media Monoculture and shows us the facts of the case of Trayvon Martin. And when you see these facts presented in a coherent fashion, you have to conclude that Zimmerman’s story is most probably the truth, and that Trayvon Martin acted stupidly.

Zimmerman didn’t target Martin because of race. (13) As a community watch volunteer, and as a licensed concealed-carry gun owner, Zimmerman had been concerned for some time about the amount of violent crime, break-ins, burglaries, and other felonies committed in his community. (14) In recent months, skinny tall guys in hoodies had been terrorizing the homeowners in the area. (15) Since the hoodie was pulled over his head, Zimmerman had no reasonable way to target merely an African American youth, but he did see a skinny tall kid — that he did not recognize — and felt if he saw something, he should say something.

According to 911 dispatch, Zimmerman was told that he did not need to follow Martin any further than he had. (Not, as some have reported, that he was actually instructed not to follow.) (16) According to Zimmerman, the police report, and as many as six witnesses: Zimmerman — after getting off the phone — retreated from his shadowing of Martin and returned to his SUV. (17) It is unclear as to why, but it is confirmed by multiple people who observed that Martin then turned and stalked Zimmerman. (18) Just when Zimmerman had gotten back to his vehicle, it is reported by witnesses that Martin violently assaulted Zimmerman. (19) And according to Robert Zimmerman, appearing on CNN on Thursday evening, Martin attempted to pull Zimmerman’s gun. (20) Quickly the tussle turned serious. Both men in a fight for control of the firearm, one of them was shot seconds later.

Anyone who is at all aware understands that Blacks are by far more violent and dangerous than any other group, when crime statistics are taken into account. They make up a mere 12 percent of the population, but are responsible for 60 to 70 percent of the violent crime nationwide. Thus, other groups are naturally wary of strange Blacks whom they do not know, especially when you live in a neighborhood that has seen an influx of Black crime. If Blacks as a group want a solution to this problem and to avoid future incidents like this one, they need to solve their own social pathologies. Pathologies that put them at odds with everyone else in the country. It’s that simple.

The left, the Democrats and Obama have been using this incident to gin up hate from their base, in this case Black People. And one would have to say that they have been successful on that account. Blacks appear to be all to easily swayed by simplistic and emotional arguments, and all to eager to blame others for their own failings. The reality that they wish to avoid is something else.

That reality is that much of the Black community has collapsed into a hell of violence, drugs, gangs and self destructive behavior that spills onto the rest of us far more than we would like. And I think many people are just about fed up with it. I don’t sense a lot of sympathy for Trayvon Martin, because as the facts have come out, it looks like he was asking for it. Instead of acting like a normal, reasonable person, he lashed out in the way that Blacks too often do; with violence. He paid for that mistake with his life. If he had exercised some self control, he would still be alive. But when you come from a sub-culture where self control is looked at as a weakness, then you are at the mercy of whatever fate hands you. The rest of us understand that we have a responsibility to be responsible.

When will you?

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