Comment From Sam J. 2022.11.09

One of the things I like best about AC’s blog is the comment section which is always interesting. While I must confess to being behind in my reading, I want to save this comment below for future reference. And the provided links are worth looking into as well. (minor edits for grammar)

People say we can’t do anything and the Constitution is broken. It’s not so. With a majority in the House, we could start. Force the Democrats to vote for illegal voting and fake votes. End the fake vote machines.
There’s not a single thing wrong with the Constitution, except that we are not following it. It’s not and never was perfect but no government is. It’s probably about the best humans can do. A lot of it is based on the Spartan government and they lasted a very long time. The only way they went down to defeat is they ran out of Men. Their male population cratered until they did not have enough soldiers and they lost.
I really want people to read this article about the Russian Revolution,(actually Russian civil war). It’s SO much like what we are seeing today.
Pay attention and see how a bunch of stuff I have talked about ad nauseam, people pushing civil war, fake groups offering help, Q, States or countries, in this case, being pushed to succeed, authorities clamping down on conservative groups and people while letting the left go wild with violence. Look at how they took over the city centers to control the vast mobs. It’s just the same thing. It’s nothing but a repeat. The Jews have done this over and over.
They can be defeated WITHOUT a mass civil war and without a huge bloodletting which they WANT.
Over and over I have told people that the Jews’s power comes from gaining control of wedge areas. Little fulcrums in the economy and power centers where they place a few people and then use that like a huge lever to wrench all the rest of the system to do what they want.
Where are these?
1. The mass media.
2. Large city centers.
3. They control hiring in the Federal government. Including the FBI, courts and various civil servants.
4. They control the banks so have large sums of cash they can create at will.
5. They control the voting machines.
6. They control many prosecutors who can be counted on to repress conservatives and let the mobs and the left alone.
7. They control the hiring of police, through the courts, using mental evaluations to only hire police who are less likely to care about actual order and decency. A fact.
8. Blackmail.
There’s more but that’s a good start.
But every single one of these can be countered by going back to the political system we had before, they screwed it up. The system we had spread power out and did not have near as many choke points where they could leverage large amounts of power against us.
The single most important thing to do is to wrench power from their hands by taking it away from all the large city centers in every State. To do this we only need a majority vote to change voting and end the illegal court decision that took power away from rural areas by making all State Senate elections in the States based on population. Add to this that voting should be restricted to those that pass a high school diploma and are not fully funded by the State and then you have solved most of the problem.
What are some of the things that could be changed due to this taking power out of the Jews’s hands?
Since the “mob” would no longer be able to vote or serve on juries, then politicians who want to stay employed would no longer cater to the mob. This means that crime, which is on everyone’s mind, could be crushed. We could do whatever needed to stop criminals. Like, surprise, surprise, put them in jail. Prosecutors that let them go could be thrown out of office by the regional Senates in the States like DeSantis did for ignoring crime.
We could change the amendment to the Constitution that made Senators in the Federal government elected. The States could go back to appointing them. And they would be our regional-based Senators that would appoint them. This would provide a HUGE check on the Federal government. Big lever wedge to topple them.
The Constitution provides that…
“…Article I, Section 5, which provides “Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns, and Qualifications of its own Members …”
So they could demand that all voters be qualified, all voters registered 6 months before the elections, no absentee ballots unless stringent rules are followed, and all ballots only be handed out to people with photo ID and that are on the premade voters roles. Each one is marked out when they get a ballot. All ballots have a picture made of them after being marked and these are placed on the Internet by precinct so that anyone can count them. The number of ballots should match the amount given out and the people receiving them and all this online so anyone can check it. This will not stop all vote fraud but they would not be able to do what they did in the last election. It would be too obvious. Any fraud would mean voting again with more stringent rules and public video.
Change the rules so that money for elections ONLY comes from people in the actual district. This takes away their money monopoly advantage. Make corporations choose to either be a corporation, which means they lose all ability to fund campaigns in any way or they are people, who then have to follow all tax rules for people and lose all the indirect liability for anything they do. They will be liable personally, just like people.
Once you do just a few of these things. Regional voting for Senators, corporations not able to fund campaigns, stopping the mobs of illiterate hoodlums voting in mass, then the whole country would turn around in record time without a huge civil war that the Jews want.
Maybe there’s a better way to do this but I haven’t seen it. Only a lot of calls for lots of bodies in the streets which you should know is the same thing that is going on in Ukraine. If you want us to be like Ukraine, then keep pushing for civil war and you will get it. The Jews love to kill as many of us as they can. To start this all we need is a majority in the House in Senate with politicians on our side or at least on these few issues. Far easier than civil war or separation.
Why should we constantly talk about backing up when we can roll them, crush the globalhomo, and run the whole country to OUR satisfaction???
I cover the mechanics of this in these comments in excruciating detail.
Make sure and read the first link I linked. It’s our definite future unless we change the system to favor us.
We may be able in time to boot the Jews out. If we had real investigations of what’s driving the country, Jew banks deindustrializing the country, Jews 9-11 and Jew vax attacks then I think we could stand a good chance of deporting the whole lot of them. It’s happened over a thousand times, in fact, 1,030 at least.

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