Now We Can be Certain

Well, another phony election has come and gone. One might be forgiven for doubting the last one in 2020. But unless all of the polls we saw up until yesterday were wildly off the mark, it should be clear that the results don’t add up at all. The American public has seen more than enough out-of-control inflation, spiking energy and food prices, and housing costs rapidly becoming unaffordable for many people. Crime and homelessness are at an all-time high. Over the last several months we have seen the polls showing us in no uncertain terms that people are fed up with the current state of affairs.

There is no way that sane Americans would vote for more of the same or put a brain-damaged retard in office. The logical conclusion is clear. Occam’s Razor tells us that the simplest explanation is most likely to be the truth. This election, like the previous one, was stolen by the powers that be to keep them in office. And that means that a conspiracy of vast proportions has been working overtime to keep you silent, under control, and obedient to their agenda of destroying and strip-mining this country of everything that made it great.

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