Raising Awareness

The power of ideas should never be underestimated. (((The Cabal))) has been waging an all-out war against Heritage America for decades now and a big part of the problem is that many people in the center of the country, and the center of the political spectrum, do not know that this war is going on. At least that has been the case up until recently. But as (((the enemies of normal people))) become more brazen, more outspoken and more unapologetic, it is becoming harder to miss the obvious. Thus we see that in recent years there is a push farther to the right by normal people in the countries of the West.

It’s not just in America, but in Europe and elsewhere we are finally seeing some pushback against this kind of subversion designed to undermine all of the things we hold dear. So educate yourself about those who consistently attack you, your values, your future, and your country. They are not your friends and they do not mean well.

This entry was posted in (((The Hollows))), Activism, Communism, Corruption, Democrats, Marxism, Nationalist Right, Phenocentrism, Political Correctness, Social Justice Warriors, The Angry Left, The Culture War, The Elite Media Monoculture. Bookmark the permalink.