The NPC Meme

I’m not a gamer so I had not heard of this, but apparently, there is a thing called a Non-Playing Character that you often find in video games. They are not controlled by the player and often exist just to repeat information they are programmed to repeat. Sort of like a talking stop light or something. In any event, some enterprising anons on the chat-boards noticed that liberals and leftists have a lot in common with these pre-programmed automatons in that they also tend not to have any active thought processes, just repeat slogans and generally do what they are programmed to do. Thus was born the newest weapon in the meme-war against the hysterical angry left. The New York Times and Breitbart have both run stories on this, which shows you just how upset the left is about it.

Several months ago, users on 4chan and Reddit, the online message forums, started using the term NPC to refer to liberals. These people, they said, join the anti-Trump crowd not because they are led by independent thought or conscience to oppose President Trump’s policies, but because they’re brainwashed sheep who have been conditioned to parrot left-wing orthodoxy, in the manner of a scripted character.

As a Reddit user, BasedMedicalDoctor, explains in a thread about the appeal of the meme, NPCs are “completely dependent on their programming, and can’t do or think on their own.”

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