Those Who Can See has a good article about the failure of Africa to develop even after decades of self-rule. Indeed, the improvements, roads, infrastructure and school system are heading towards collapse. African today can only survive on hand-outs from the West. Meanwhile (((the left))) is working hard to import as many people from Africa and the 3rd world into the West as they can as fast as they can.
After all this time, Westerners need to grow up and admit the possibility that Africans may not be able to create and maintain first-world societies on their own.
What then? Instead of wringing hands and pointing fingers, why not adjust expectations? Give other African nations a fighting chance to approximate the success of a country like Botswana?
Accept that outside help will be needed, perhaps in perpetuity.
Help them to re-draw borders in a more sensible way, respecting ethnic and religious differences.
Bypass national governments and give aid directly to those concerned.
Fight against parasites, malnutrition, and idodine deficiency in order to help boost brain-power.
Do everything possible to help lower their suicidal fertility rates.
Refuse to participate in fatal brain drain; stop inviting their intellectual elites to immigrate to the West.
Refuse to let Africans posing as ‘refugees’ into Europe; oblige them to stay home and hold their leaders accountable.