The special snowflakes at YouTube have restricted the video posted below from being seen at schools and libraries, although you can still see it here. This video is produced by Prager University and showcases Kimberly Strassel of The Wall Street Journal discussing the tactics that the Angry Left uses to shut down debate and discussion that would make them look bad. And indeed the left is looking very bad these days.
Harassment, government force, and intimidation have quickly become the standard means by which they keep the upper hand and retain control over society. But it is important to understand that these tactics can no longer be hidden in the shadows. Indeed, the efforts by the Obama administration to keep conservative activist organizations on hold is only due to the realization of just how effective they have become. The left knows that they are in the minority with regard to these issues and that the American people find these kinds of bullying tactics repulsive. And with the advent of the internet and social media, more and more people are seeing for themselves how these kinds of tactics are being used and to what end. It is this kind of realization that is fueling the Trump campaign and causing so many Americans to reject the political establishment that is at the root of this kind of political correctness.
These kinds of actions place the left outside the normal bounds of civilized political action and debate that Americans have come to know and expect. Like vandals looting stores during a riot, leftists hope that they can use force to intimidate Americans into silence in the hope that the rioters will go away once pacified. But as we can see, the citizens have chosen to fight back and to challenge the rioters and bring them to heel so that they will be required to abide by the social norms that the rest of us understand and respect.