Obama’s Illegal Internet Giveaway

In the last few months of the disaster that is the Obama administration, the boy president is looking for any way to further harm the country and to stab American citizens in the back. In keeping with his traitorous actions against us he is now planning to give away control over the internet in violation of the law and against the express wishes of the congress, which has legal authority over any such action. World Net Daily has the story.

President Obama has been working for several years to give away control of the Internet to a “multinational” body over the objections of many lawmakers and activists.

Among the opponents are conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly, who wrote that the move “could be the most dangerous use yet of Obama’s now-famous pen.”

Giving communist China and Russia a position in policing the Internet through the U.S.-created Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers is “like telling the fox to guard the chicken coop because those countries don’t believe in free speech and don’t even allow their own people to have free access to the Internet,” she warned.

Congress has acted twice to prevent the move, adopting “appropriations riders prohibiting any use of taxpayer funds ‘to relinquish the responsibility of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration … with respect to Internet domain name system functions, including responsibility with respect to the authoritative root zone file and the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority functions.’”

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